Sutton Tyres and Auto Center


Car diagnostics goes beyond simple issue identification to include effective problem solutions. For all makes and models of cars, our knowledgeable specialists will provide high-quality diagnostic services at reasonable costs.We have computerized tools and technology to identify the vehicle’s issue and fix them quickly to assure the safety and security of your vehicle.

Car, like any other machine, requires constant check and maintenance. Even after spending enough money and effort to buy a car, you can end up with car breakdowns. So, you need to make sure that your car does not break down in the middle of nowhere. For this to ensure, a car needs to be well-diagnosed and well-maintained. Since car’s components have been modernized and computerized, diagnostic testing is a technological solution to find faults with the car. Diagnostic testing detects anything going wrong with the engine, exhaust system, transmission system, brakes, and other parts. No matter what model you drive or whether your car is old or new, faults can occur at all times. Diagnostics help to identify the underlying faults at the initial stage which can grow into serious breakdowns. As a result, you can save your time and money that you will have to spend in case of serious breakdowns.


If you have any questions, feel free to call us or get free appoitment.

great team

Our team of great mechanics and tow truck operators have a combined 20+ years of hands on experience.

reliable Auto Repairs

Every time you put your car in our hands you know you’ll get nothing short of amazing results back.

Competative Pricing

We won’t charge you an arm and a leg to get you back up and running – our rates are very reasonable,


If You Have Any Questions, Feel Free To contact us
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